Games to support logical thinking in children
Logical thinking in children is a key skill that helps them solve problems, make decisions and analyze situations. Through appropriate games and exercises, parents and teachers can effectively support the development of this ability from an early age. Logical thinking games for children, exercises that develop logical thinking and educational games are excellent ways to learn through play. In this article, we will present the best methods of supporting logical thinking in children and examples of exercises and games that can be included in everyday activities.
Why is it worth developing logical thinking in children?
✔ Supports the ability to analyze and solve problems.
✔ Helps with learning math and science.
✔ Strengthens the ability to plan and predict the consequences of actions.
✔ Develops patience and decision-making skills.
✔ Prepares the child for educational and life challenges.
Logical thinking games for kids
1. Board games that develop logical thinking
Board games are a great way to learn strategic and analytical thinking. Here are some recommended titles:
✔ Chess – a classic strategic game that develops the ability to predict the opponent's moves.
✔ Checkers – simple rules but requiring logical planning of moves.
✔ Scrabble – an excellent game that develops logical thinking and vocabulary.
✔ Rummikub – a number game that teaches you how to analyze and create combinations.
✔ Katamino – a spatial logic puzzle that supports mathematical thinking.
2. Games that develop logical thinking for children in the computer version
Technology can support the development of analytical skills through interactive applications:
✔ Sudoku for children – simple versions of the popular logic game.
✔ Minecraft – teaches planning and solving spatial problems.
✔ Logical puzzles online – educational applications available on tablets and computers.
✔ CodyCross – crosswords that help develop logical thinking and vocabulary.
Logical thinking exercises for children
1. Logical thinking exercises for children – riddles and puzzles
Logic puzzles are a great way to train your mind:
✔ Rebuses – help in learning logical associations.
✔ Mazes – teach your child to plan their next steps.
✔ Sequencing – tasks that require arranging pictures in the correct order.
✔ Tasks such as “what doesn’t fit” – develop the ability to classify and analyse differences.
2. Logical thinking exercises for preschoolers
Preschoolers can practice logical thinking through games appropriate to their age:
✔ Sorting items by characteristics (color, shape, size).
✔ Matching pairs (e.g. objects and their shadows).
✔ Simple logic puzzles, e.g. matching parts of a picture.
✔ Coding games, e.g. creating patterns based on instructions.
3. Logical thinking exercises for school-age children
Older children can enjoy more complex tasks:
✔ Solving mathematical equations through puzzles.
✔ Programming games (e.g. educational robots, coding apps).
✔ Create your own crosswords and logic puzzles.
✔ Exercises related to text analysis and drawing conclusions.
How to support logical thinking in children on a daily basis?
✔ Encourage your child to solve problems on their own rather than providing ready-made answers.
✔ Involve them in everyday tasks that require planning (e.g., scheduling a day, organizing a trip).
✔ Have conversations with your child that require argumentation and logical justification.
✔ Encourage experimentation and testing of different solutions.
Logical thinking games for children and logical thinking exercises for children are excellent tools to support the development of analytical and problem-solving skills. Logical thinking for children can be developed through board games, puzzles, everyday activities and educational tasks. Thanks to the appropriate methods, parents can effectively support logical thinking in children, which will contribute to their better functioning in the future.