Children are true explorers of the world, and their clothes often become evidence of their adventures - from grass and mud stains to traces of meals. Removing stains from children's clothes is a challenge, but there are effective home remedies that will help keep clothes clean. In this article, you will learn proven methods that will cope with even the most difficult stains.
1. Grass and dirt stains
Grass and dirt stains are some of the most stubborn, especially on light-colored clothing. It's best to act quickly to prevent them from penetrating deeply into the material.
- Method : Apply a little alcohol or spirits to the stain and rub gently with a soft cloth. Then rinse the garment in cold water.
- Alternative : Mix a paste of baking soda and water, apply it to the stain, wait 15 minutes, then wash the garment in the washing machine.
2. Fruit and juice stains
Colored stains from fruits like blueberries or raspberries can be difficult to remove. It is worth remembering that hot water can set the stain, so first remove it cold.
- Method : Place the garment in cold water with lemon juice or vinegar for about 30 minutes. The citric acid will lighten the stain without damaging the material.
- Alternative : Use a paste of baking powder and water, apply it to the stain and leave for 10 minutes before washing.
3. Grease and oil stains
Oil and fatty foods penetrate fabrics quickly, so acting quickly is key. Fortunately, greasy stains are easy to remove if you use the right methods.
- Method : Sprinkle the stain with potato flour or talcum powder to absorb the grease. After a few minutes, shake off the powder and wash the garment.
- Alternative : Apply a little dishwashing liquid to the stain, leave for a few minutes, then rinse with water and wash in the washing machine.
4. Chocolate and sweets stains
Chocolate and sweets are common sources of stains, especially on sleeves and collars. Removing them requires caution as high temperatures can set them.
- Method : Soak the stain in cold water, then apply a little liquid detergent and rub gently. Rinse and wash in the washing machine on a low temperature.
- Alternative : Use a sponge soaked in a mixture of baking soda and water to help remove any remaining chocolate.
5. Blood stains
Blood stains are difficult to remove once they have dried, so it is important to act quickly. The most important thing is to avoid hot water, which sets the stain.
- Method : Apply cold water to a fresh blood stain and leave for a few minutes, then rinse the fabric under running water.
- Alternative : If the stain is dried, apply a paste of table salt and water, leave for a few minutes, then rinse in cold water and wash.
6. Paint and marker stains
Children often play with paints, markers and felt-tip pens, which can leave marks that are difficult to remove. In the case of paint stains, it is worth remembering to verify the type of paint used (whether it is water-based or oil-based).
- Method : For water-based paint stains, use cold water and soap, rubbing gently.
- For oil-based paints : Use rubbing alcohol or acetone-free nail polish remover, but only on inconspicuous areas to check that it does not damage the material.
7. Stains from carrots and other vegetables
Stains from vegetables such as carrots can be difficult to remove from white clothing. They often have a rich orange color that penetrates deep into the material.
- Method : Soak the garment in water with lemon juice or vinegar. After a few minutes, rinse and wash in the washing machine.
- Alternative : A paste of baking soda and water can also help lighten vegetable stains.
Some additional tips
- Avoid hot water on fresh stains , as it can set the stain. Choose cold or lukewarm water.
- Test cleaning products on inconspicuous areas of your clothing to make sure they won't damage the fabric.
- Wash baby clothes frequently with a small amount of detergent to prevent stains from building up.
Removing stains from children's clothes may require patience, but knowing proven methods and home remedies can effectively take care of the cleanliness and appearance of children's clothing.