Infant colic is a common problem that occurs in many newborns and infants, and its symptoms can be bothersome for both the baby and the parents. Loud crying, drawing in legs, a hard tummy - these are just some of the symptoms that may indicate colic. Learn how to effectively alleviate these ailments and introduce peace into your daily baby care rituals.
What is infant colic and what are its symptoms?
Infant colic is a digestive problem that usually appears in children in the first months of life. Symptoms of colic include intense, difficult-to-calm crying that often occurs at fixed times – most often in the evening. The baby may pull up its legs and have a tense tummy. Colic can last for several hours, and its causes are still being studied, although it is most often associated with the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract.
Proven ways to deal with colic in babies
Below we present effective methods of dealing with colic that can help alleviate the discomfort in your little one.
1. Tummy massage
Gentle massage is one of the easiest ways to relieve colic. It is worth massaging the tummy in a clockwise direction - this direction helps the gases to move. Use warm hands and gentle, circular movements to help the baby release gases naturally. Regular tummy massage can also be preventative.
2. Bathing in warm water
A warm bath relaxes the baby's muscles and helps to relieve tension in the tummy. The optimal water temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius. It is worth trying this method, especially if colic occurs at similar times - an evening bath can become part of a daily calming routine.
3. Changing the diet of a breastfeeding mother
If the baby is breastfed, colic may be caused by the mother's diet. It is worth eliminating foods that can cause gas, such as cabbage, beans, onions, and broccoli. Observing the baby's response to changes in the mother's diet can be helpful in identifying ingredients that may cause colic.
4. Colic drops
There are special drops available on the market that can provide relief from colic. Most often, they contain simethicone or probiotics, which help reduce the amount of gas in the digestive tract. However, before giving your child any preparation, you should consult your pediatrician to choose the right product and dosage.
5. Carrying your baby in a sling
Carrying your baby close to your body, especially in a sling, can help alleviate symptoms of colic. The warmth of your body and the feeling of closeness can have a calming effect. This can help your baby feel more secure, which often results in calming down. Additionally, a sling can help with the natural movement of gases in the digestive tract.
6. Regular burping breaks
To reduce the risk of colic, it is worth taking breaks during feeding to burp swallowed air. Regular burping after meals helps to remove excess air and reduces the risk of gas building up in the intestines, which can cause colic.
7. Consult your pediatrician
If the colic is very intense or does not go away despite various methods, it is worth consulting a pediatrician. The doctor can help rule out other ailments or suggest additional solutions.
Why is it worth trying different methods?
Every baby is different, and what works for one baby may not work for another. It’s worth trying different methods to find the one that works best. Patience and consistency are key to colic management, as well as building a close relationship with your baby, which is the foundation for healthy development.
Infant colic is a natural, although difficult to experience experience that requires care and understanding from parents. Using methods such as tummy massage, warm baths, changes in the mother's diet or carrying in a sling can effectively help alleviate the symptoms of colic. It is also worth remembering to consult a pediatrician if the problem is particularly bothersome.
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